HomeVietnamese Pop Culture Today

Vietnamese Pop Culture Today


After the withdrawal of American soldiers from South Vietnam and the the Vietnamese Communist Party taking control of all of Vietnam, rock music was banned.  Vietnamese rock bands were not allowed to have live concerts and the government tried to destroy all traces of Western influences.  Poeple in the former South Vietnam continued to explore their passion for rock music.  Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, remained a hotspot for rock.  In the 1980s, Vietnam began to lessen their restrictions on rock music and the genre became on of the most popular in Vienam once again.

"Em về giữa mênh mông đất trời" - KOP Band

The KOP Band performing their song, "Kids Go Between Heaven and Earth Immensity."  This is a popular band in Vietnam today.  The Western influences of rock can still be heard today.


SPF is a popular rock band in Vietnam.  Its music is similar in style to the rock songs currently popular in America.  The band has been known to cover American songs during their live performances.